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Old School Skateboarding Community and History

Old School skateboarding is a growing online community supported by your submissions. Old School Skateboarding is a resource for older skaters and an archive of skateboarding history.

We want to hear from you, send kudo's, comments and submissions to: [email protected]


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Shot of the Week 6-12-6

Tony Alva

Steve Grover of Cold War Skateboards pulls in a fat Madonna at West Linn Skatepark. Steve is renowned for big'ol Madonna's and it's killer to watch a 6 foot plus size bro go big in the deep end. Check out Cold War skateboards for some cool shapes and models, local all the way.
photo by JF Fullem

Got a shot of the week?
Send it to:
[email protected]
Check out Previous Shots of the Week

Don't forget to check in on the message board, from time to time for new pictures and product submissions not on the regular site updates.

New Shirts Coming Soon

I'll have a couple of sweet new shirts coming out soon with original graphics by Eljer and Orezona, check back for availability.


National Go Skateboarding Day

This is a national event put on by IASC, check around and see what you can find out that's happening locally or go here for more info:

This flyer sent in by Colorado Skate University

Most of you have heard about Denver's event we're putting on, if not there's the flyer! We're still hunting around for more companies to help sponsor this event, by donating just a few products and stickers for our contest winners, and also looking for more vendors and volunteers( there are some paying jobs as well) . This is a contest for males and females by the way. We're expecting over 500 people at this event, hopefully lots and lots more! So spread the word! Before the event "someone" has told skaters in Colorado to all meet up at the capitol building at 12:00 and go skate down 16th st. to our event. Its going to rock!

So I'm attaching the vendor/sponsor letter for those of you that havn't gotten it, and also a reminder to those of you that have. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this!

Colorado Skate University


West Linn Park Slalom June 24th, 2006

Tom Inouye and Mike Estes in conjunction with West Linn Parks and Recreation are holding it's
first annual Park Slalom Race. The date is set for Saturday June 24th 2006 at the West Linn Skatepark.
Go to: for more info.

Free Stickers

free sticker

Send a self addressed stamped envelope and get some free stickers, send to:

3028 SE 28th Ave.
Portland OR. 97202

Free Advertising on OSS

Send in your stickers sucka's! I send out at least 3 sticker packets a week to people all over the world, send me a stack of stick's of your company and I'll include them with my outgoing pack's. It's free advertsising for you and we all need a little more of that.

Cedar Crest Ramp remembered

Bruce Adams from sends in this heads up about a tribute site to the Cedar Crest Country Club Ramp.

"The memorial has begun, brick by brick the story must be told. This concept was created by Mike Mapp and Bruce Adams for the sole purpose of telling a part of skateboard history that MUST not be
forgotten.....this is just the beginning. click and enjoy.......
oh yeah and turn up the volume."

*Please send donations, photos, stories,  to [email protected] or
Mikeat the web site contacts button.


New Company Spotlight

Every once in a while I like to give a shout out to a new company that writes in, you are welcome to send in your company's info, it's not a guarantee that you'll get posted, sending in swag or product for review helps out.

longwood skateboards

LongWood Skateboards

Alejandro from Longwood is a fan of OSS, they have quality wood and unique shapes:

"Longwood Skateboards are fine handcrafted exotic wood skateboards shaped and completely built locally in Saint Augustine, Florida. These boards are specialty boards, made of the finest materials in the industry."

BlueTang Skateboards

Hay mate love ya website thought ya might like this web page, these guys grew up in the states and now live in Perth, Western Australia, and make long boards from Australian wood Called Jarrah, which is rock hard, they have a pretty cool web page and the boards are impressive. If ya get a chance  Drop them and email. Maybe put a link to the on you r web page.
Peace Macca Perth WA

New Stuff 6-6-6

An Interview with the legend, Tom Inouye from Mike Estes
The Annie Ross Open, crosscountry longboard race
3rd Generation Z-Boy Amatuer Pat Bareis submits a cool vintage gallery
Old school trick tips Added a bunch of great new shots to Larry and Tyler Martin's submitted gallery
old plastic skateboards Added a couple of new ramps to the Garage Mini's page
plastic banana skateboards Skaterpunk sends in a review of the FloodKontrol Kujo
jay adams dogtown "Skateboarding" book from Signet publishing 1987 in 80's history
Created a page for Diy homemade boards
Some killer new submitted shots in the "No Shot Left Behind" Gallery
hailey Idaho skatepark Made a section for non-skating stuff in "cskate's corner"

New Stuff 04-01-06

An amazing gallery of Maryhill WA. downhilling from photographer Jon Huey
Some North Carolina downhill and slalom action from Jerr Warren
Old school trick tips How to make an old school board by Mike Elmore
old plastic skateboards Josh Burt sends in some shots of some Salem Slalom action
plastic banana skateboards Added a bunch of new features and galleries to 70's history. Also organized 70's ads into alphabetical order by company, (and there's a lot of them)
jay adams dogtown Added Mike Elmore's quiver to the quiver page
The Drug House Ditch in Portland OR.
hailey Idaho skatepark Some killer new pics in the No Shot Left behind gallery

New Stuff 02-20-06

An interview and amazing photo gallery from Carlsbad Skatepark creator John O'Malley
A gallery from Yoann Cimier in France in skate photographers
Old school trick tips Created a page for Vintage Trick Tips in history
old plastic skateboards 3 New product reviews added:
Old Man Army 8 3/4 deck
Scarecrow, Evil Crow
Tunnel, 90A Rocks
plastic banana skateboards Added a couple of new Quivers to the Quivers page
jay adams dogtown Created a Submitted Gallery from John "Tex" Gibson
Added some shots of the new setup at Windells
hailey Idaho skatepark A Gallery of killer shots from the Hailey ID. Skatepark
Will Seeler sends in a write-up of 5 Points Skateboards
cesar chaves Added a gallery of the Bones Brigade in 80's History.
Added a couple of new shots to the Old Man Army Gallery
christian hosoi New Skaters and shots added to the 80's Skaters page
Added some new shots and skaters to the 70's skaters page, all shots submitted by Mike Chantry
Clearing house at the "No Shot Left Behind" Gallery
george bush is a fucking idiot

Fixed some broken links on the site, including:

Vintage Boards

New Stuff 01-09-06

cesar chaves Interview with Brazillian Skate legend Cesar Chaves
rebel skates A talk with John Hartung and Jay Shmay about 20 years of Rebel Skates!
chicago ditch Added to the Ditch page:
Southern Cal, ditch history from Flood Kontrol
The Imperial ditch from Danny Pena
the Dead End Ditch in Portland
california sunset California coast tour
garage mini ramps Paul Buck's Krill ramp on the Garage mini's section
the Lords of Dogtown DVD Added to the 80's section including:
the Savannah Slamma streetstyle
Terror in Tahiti
Slalom coverage
Body Slams
Some short fiction
80's skaters gallery
Added a new gallery of ads
poolside skateboards Reviewed the Ditch Stick from Flood Kontrol
skateboard trick tips 5 new california skateparks added to skateparks page
Santa Barbara
Los Osos
Catalina Island
rick blackhart Added to the 70's history including:
the Hester Series submitted by Mike Chantry
A killer Ray Flores gallery
old school tricks Created the "No Shot Left Behind" Gallery
Northwest slalom Josh Burt sent in some shots of the 2004, Salem OR. 100 Cone Challenge on the Slalom page
eric dressen Added some shots to the Eric Dressen gallery
Don't forget to check in on the message board, from time to time for new pictures and product submissions not on the updates.

New Stuff 11-26-05

maryland skateparks Interview with skater/musician Chuck Treece
Z-Boys Interview with 80's Z-Boy Am Danny Pena
eastside rollers Skip Marcotte Submitted a great gallery of Florida skate memories
Eastside Rollers Skate Photographer Matt Brush
the Lords of Dogtown DVD Story on collecting 80's boards from the Akron Journal
Stacey Peralta The amazingly huge Black Pearl Skatepark in the Cayman Islands
skateboard trick tips See how much skatepark 12 million dollars buys in Shanghai China
The 3 Mile ditch in Albuquerque New Mexico
Added to the Trenches ditch gallery in Pennsylvania
Added 4 new stories, a new gallery of ads and a bunch of skaters to the 80's history page




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